Monday, December 10, 2012

How Raise Kids With Strong Moral Values

How Raise Kids With Strong Moral Values

In order to raise kids to become morally responsible human beings, parents must put in a lot of effort. It is advisable to use effective discipline as a moral lesson to ensure that the child recognizes his mistakes on his own and tries to rectify them at the earliest given opportunity. The child must be taught to think from all possible perspectives. For instance, ask the child to place himself in the shoes of the other person before coming to a conclusion about the behavior of the other person. This will help the child to become more sensitive to how his actions or behavior impacts other people.

Children tend to learn easily through practical experiences than through reading books. So, encourage your child to perform good deeds. Show the positive impact that his moral behavior had on the recipient. This will give immense satisfaction to the kid and encourage him to continue with his moral behavior. Parents must emphasize the importance of the virtues of moral behavior at every possible opportunity to remind their kids that moral behavior is not over if it is done once, but that it needs to be practiced throughout the life.
Teach your child to treat others in the same manner as he would like to be treated. Parents must be very firm in their stance on moral values. Set certain standards and teach the child to follow the same principles until the principles are completely imbibed into the blood of the child and irrespective of your presence or absence, your child behaves in a morally responsible manner.
Most importantly, appreciate and acknowledge the morally correct actions or behavior of your child. This acts as an incentive and encourages the child to continue with the same morally responsible behavior. 

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  1. We downloaded short stories with strong morals at the end. Our kids listen to them and love them. Here's the link if anyone is interested.


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